Understanding Additional Item Information

Register 0200 of block 0 requires information that is not stored in the item tables of the standard software. You can use the Item Master Additional Info program to add the additional information to the Item Master Add Info table (F704101). The system reads the data in the F704101 table when you run the SPED Fiscal - Block 0 Items & Assets program (R76B0891) to populate block 0 registers.

You use category codes to associate the additional information to the items. When you use the Item Master program (P4101) to add or modify programs, the system calls the Item Master Additional Info program if the Localization Country Code field in the User Profile Revisions program (P0092) is set to BR (Brazil). The Item Master Additional Info program includes ten category code fields that you can use to associate additional information to items. However, only category codes 70/C1–70/C5 are used for additional information for SPED Fiscal tax reporting.

To report the additional information required for SPED Fiscal tax reporting, you must set up and use specific category codes because the SPED Fiscal - Block 0 Items program writes the data from specific fields in the Item Master Additional Info program to specific fields in register 0200.

See Item Category Codes (70/C1 – 70/C5)

Note: You must use the Item Master program (P4101) to access the Item Master Additional Info form to add SPED Fiscal information for items for which you have not previously added the SPED Fiscal information.