Understanding Deleted Nota Fiscais

Use the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal - Brazil program (R76559B) to delete outbound, classic or standalone notas fiscais that were not printed yet. You can reverse or void a nota fiscal. When you run the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal - Brazil report, the system deletes the corresponding records in the following tables:

  • Nota Fiscal Detail (F7611B)

  • Nota Fiscal Header (F7601B)

  • Nota Fiscal Detail – Tributary Situation (F76B012)

  • Nota Fiscal Detail – Import Tax (F76B014)

  • Nota Fiscal Import Relationship (F76B018)

  • Nota Fiscal Header – Exports Info (F76B019)

Also, the system deletes records from these tables and deletes the corresponding nota fiscal if you reverse a purchase receipt in the Purchase Receipts Inquiry program (P43214).

For NFe's that were generated by the Generate Nota Fiscal program, you must mark the nota fiscal as unused. For other nota fiscal types, you can delete the generated or printed nota fiscal in the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal - Brazil program.

Note: Review additional information about the Reverse/Void Nota Fiscal - Brazil report in the documentation for the applicable release.