Understanding Unused Nota Fiscais

Since you must notify SEFAZ of the NFe legal numbers that are unused, use the Unused/Cancelled NF-e Legal Numbers program (P76B22TE) to work with a range of unused notas fiscais. You can only modify notas fiscais for which the XML file has not been generated. The system displays an error if any NFe legal number in the range is being used.

Run the Unused NF-e XML Generator program (R76B522) to extract information about unused NFes to generate the required legal XML that is sent to SEFAZ. When you run the report, the system uses information from the Nota Fiscal Header table (F7601B), the Nota Fiscal Detail table (F7611B), the NF-e Legal Numbers Unused/Cancelled - Brazil table (F76B22TE), and all related address book information for the fiscal company. The system changes the status of the XML record in the F76B22TE table from Initial to Generated.