Understanding Landed Costs for Brazil

When you purchase items, extra costs for delivery fees, broker fees, import taxes, and so on, are not uncommon. These costs are called landed costs. You can enter landed costs for items after the receipt process or as a standalone process.

In Brazil, companies enter standalone landed costs for expenses that are associated with notas fiscais. Typically, these expenses include freight, insurance, and expenses. The two types of landed costs are:

  • Landed costs that are entered immediately after the receipt process and are included in the nota fiscal.

  • Standalone landed costs that are entered at some point after the receipt process (called freight notes) and are included in a separate nota fiscal.

You can enter landed costs for a purchase order immediately after the receipt process. If you enter landed costs immediately after the receipt process, you can enter only the costs for a specific nota fiscal document.

After you enter the landed costs for the nota fiscal document, the system prevents you from entering additional costs to the same document. Enter landed costs only after you receive all nota fiscal lines.


Landed costs are reversed automatically when you reverse a receipt, according to your document type settings.

Use the processing options of the Purchase Receipt Inquiry program (P46B4321) to specify a version of Nota Fiscal Maintenance that enables you to retrieve the landed costs lines based on a different document type.

See Understanding Receipt Reversals for Notas Fiscais with Applied Landed Costs.

When you enter standalone landed costs, you can enter all of the landed costs for multiple notas fiscais at once. The system prorates the total amount of the landed costs to the notas fiscais, and creates a batch of transactions to record the landed costs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management systems. You must review and post this batch.

After you enter landed costs for the nota fiscal, the system prevents you from entering additional costs. Enter landed costs only after you receive all nota fiscal lines.

If you cannot enter landed costs immediately after the receipt process, you must enter freight notes. For example, you enter freight notes if the landed cost amounts are not included on the merchandise nota fiscal from the vendor.