Understanding NFe Response Transmissions

When you work with electronic notas fiscais (NFe), you use the NFe Info Generation program (R76B561) to generate an XML file that you submit to the fiscal authority. The NFe Info Generation program generates one of these XML files, depending on the type of transaction that you process:

  • The enfiNFe file is generated when you request NFe acceptance.

  • The cancNFe file is generated when you cancel an NFe number.

  • The inutNFE file is generated when you do not use an NFe number.

  • The envDPEC file is generated when you use the contingency process Declaracao Previa de Emissao em Contingencia (DPEC) to obtain authorization to ship goods.

When you send one of these electronic files to the fiscal authority via third-party or transmission software (TS), the TS receives return transmissions. The transmission type that you receive in response depends on the type of transmission sent and whether the transmission is accepted by the fiscal authority.

You can use the NFe XML Response Processing program (R76B525) to automatically upload to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system the responses from the fiscal authority to the TS. Alternatively, you can use the NF-e Response Process Batch Input program (R76B12TZ) and the NF-e Response Process and Contingencies program (P76B12TE) to manually work with the XML responses.

See Manually Processing NFe Responses from Third-Party Software.

The response transmission types that the TPS might receive are:

  • NFe Acceptance Request (retConsReciNFe)

  • Cancelled Acceptance Request (retCancNFe)

  • Unused NF-e Legal Number (retInutNFe)

  • DPEC NF-e Acceptance Request (retDPEC)

  • EPEC and Cancelled Request foe the 3.1 XML Layout (retEnvEvento)