Understanding Nota Fiscal Numbering for the Telephone Industry

The Brazilian fiscal authority (SENFAZ) establishes with the Convenio/Sinief 06/89, Convenio ICMS 115/03 and the Convenio ICMS 58/95 that for the notas fiscais used in the telephone industry (NFTel), the legal number needs to follow this structure:

  • The legal next number must be between 1 and 13 numeric digits.

    If you enter fewer than 13 digits, the system completes the number with leading zeros (0) to equal 13 digits. For example, if you enter 12345678, the system saves the number as 0000012345678.

  • The series number is either:

    • 2 alphanumeric digits.

      When a company has several emission points (issue places) with several series numbers, the law establishes that series numbers must be 2 alphanumeric digits. For example, a nota fiscal number for a telephone bill might be 0000000001385-AA.

    • The text SERIE UNICA.

      When a company has several emission points and all of the locations use the same unique series number, the series number is always SERIE UNICA. For example, a nota fiscal number for a telephone bill might be 0000000307382-SERIE UNICA.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software enables you to work with the required structure for legal numbering for NFTels. You work with legal numbering for NFTels when you enter purchase receipts, enter standalone notas fiscais, and generate certain reports and flat files for tax reporting. You can also use the nota fiscal inquiry programs to search for and modify records that include the legal nota fiscal numbers for NFTels.

When you enter purchase receipts or a standalone nota fiscal for NFTels and enter a legal nota fiscal number and series number, the system performs validations and writes values to several tables. When it saves the nota fiscal legal number to the nota fiscal legal number field (data item B76ELN), the system appends the series number or the term SERIE UNICA to the value that you enter for the nota fiscal legal number. The system also saves the last six characters of the legal nota fiscal number (before appending the series number) to the nota fiscal number field (data item BNNF) in several tables.

This table shows how the system saves the nota fiscal legal number and series number when you leave the NF Series field blank:

You Enter

System Saves

Nota fiscal legal number: 123456789

Series number: (blank)

In the NFe Header table (F76B01TE):

  • B76ELN: 0000123456789SERIE UNICA

  • BNNF: 456789

  • BSER: 00

In the Nota Fiscal Header - Brazil table (F7601B) and Nota Fiscal Detail - Brazil table (F7611B):

  • BNNF: 456789

  • BSER:00

This table shows how the system saves the nota fiscal legal number and series number when you enter a 2-character value for the series number:

You Enter

System Saves

Nota fiscal legal number: 123456789

Series number: A1

In the F76B01TE table:

  • B76ELN: 0000123456789A1

  • BNNF: 456789

  • BSER:A1

In the F7601B and F7611B tables:

  • BNNF: 456789

  • SER:A1