Understanding Stand-Alone Notas Fiscais Issued by the Company for a Purchase Transaction

In some instances, you might need to create a standalone nota fiscal for something that you purchase. For example, if you purchase goods from a foreign manufacturer, that manufacturer might not be able to supply you with a nota fiscal for your purchase. You would need to create a nota fiscal for the purchase.

The process for creating a standalone nota fiscal issued by the company for a purchase transaction is similar to the process that you use to create a standalone nota fiscal for a sales transaction. For both of these types of transactions, you enter data for the transaction, except for the nota fiscal number information. You complete the process for obtaining processing an NFe to obtain the nota fiscal number.

To use the NFe process for a standalone nota fiscal for a purchase transaction:

  1. Set the processing options in the Stand-Alone Nota Fiscal - Brazil program (P7611B) to work with a standalone nota fiscal issued by the company for a purchase transaction.

  2. Enter the standalone nota fiscal in the Stand-Alone Nota Fiscal - Brazil program.

  3. Use the Print Nota Fiscal program (R76B560) to print the nota fiscal.

  4. If the nota fiscal has a type of BRNFI-NA (inbound national), BRNFI-CF (NFC-e End Consumer), or BRNFI-SP (inbound SaƵ Paulo), use the Nota Fiscal Elec. Outbound program (R76B560Z1) to generate the electronic nota fiscal.

    To select only inbound standalone notas fiscais created by the company, set the data selection for table F7601B to select records with an NF Type (BNFS) of 1 and a Future Text (F1T) of C-INBOUND ISSUED BY COMPANY.

  5. Send the XML document generates by the Nota Fiscal Elec. Outbound program to send the request for a nota fiscal number to the fiscal authorities.

  6. Use the Inbound XML Process program (R70XMLI1) to upload the returned XML file.