Understanding Purchase Order Returns for Brazil

When you return purchased merchandise to the supplier, you must issue a new nota fiscal to accompany the returned merchandise. Brazilian law requires that companies issue an accompanying nota fiscal whenever merchandise is moved between different taxpayer units.

The purchase return nota fiscal must be based on the supplier's original nota fiscal. If merchandise is fully returned, the outbound nota fiscal values must be identical to the supplier's original nota fiscal. If merchandise is partially returned, the outbound nota fiscal values must be proportional to the supplier's original nota fiscal.

The tax rates and costs must be returned in the same amounts as those amounts that were used in the supplier's original nota fiscal. The original freight, insurance, and expenses must also be returned proportionally and handled with a separate nota fiscal.

When you process a purchase return, the system uses the original purchase price; the costs retrieved from the supplier's original nota fiscal are not modified or overridden by prices in the JD Edwards Enterprise One Procurement system. The system can create journal entries to support processing purchase returns. The purchase return process considers repasse and discounts.

When you enter a receipt of a nota fiscal, you enter the tax amounts from the nota fiscal that the supplier sent with the merchandise. The system stores the tax amounts in the Nota Fiscal Detail - Brazil (F7611B) table and the Nota Fiscal Taxes Detail - Brazil (F76B011) table. When you process a purchase return, the system retrieves the tax amounts from tables F7611B and F76B001; it does not recalculate the taxes.

To process a purchase return for Brazil, you must perform these steps:

  1. Process the receipt of the merchandise.

    See Entering and Reviewing Receipts for Procurement for Brazil.

  2. Generate a nota fiscal for the received merchandise.

    See Generating the NFe and the DANFe.

  3. Enter the purchase return.

    See Processing Purchase Order Returns for Brazil.

  4. Ship confirm the return.

    See ""Confirming Shipments" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

  5. Generate the return nota fiscal.

    See Generating the Nota Fiscal for a Purchase Return.

  6. Compare the values on the original nota fiscal to the return nota fiscal to verify that the prices, taxes, and other fees are correct.

  7. Print the return nota fiscal.

    See Printing the Nota Fiscal for Purchase Returns.