Understanding Sales Update for Brazil

After you print notas fiscais in final mode, you can update the customer sales information. When you update customer sales information, the system creates Accounts Receivable records.

When you process sales updates in Brazil you:

  1. Set up the processing option values in the version of the Sales Update program (R42800) that you use for Brazilian transactions.

  2. Set up the processing option values in the Sales Update - Brazil program (R76B803)

    In addition to other processing options, you specify whether to automatically run the R42800 program after the R76B803 program, and specify the version of the R42800 program to run automatically.

  3. Set up the processing option values in the R42800BR program.

    You access the R42800BR program from Batch Versions. The program does not appear on a menu.

    To use a specific version of the R42800BR program, set up a version of the R42800BR with the same version name as the version of the R42800 program that you use. If you do not set up a version of R42800BR with a version name that corresponds to the version name of the R42800 program, the system runs the XJDE0001 version of the R42800BR program.

  4. Run the Sales Update - Brazil program (R76B803).

  5. Run the R42800 program manually if you did not set the processing options in the R76B803 program to automatically run the R42800 program.

When you run the R42800 program for Brazilian transactions, the system uses the values in the processing options of the R42800BR program for transaction processing. The system uses the values in the R42800BR program whether you automatically or manually run the R42800 program.

Note: The system does not process tax lines for PIS/PASEP and COFINS tax credits when you run the Sales Update - Brazil program.You must update customer sales information after you print notas fiscais in final mode so that the accounts receivable (AR) records include the official nota fiscal document numbers that are required by the Brazilian government.

When you run the Sales Update - Brazil program, the system generates reports that include summary or detail information about:

  • Updated information about customer sales.

  • Accounts receivable and general ledger (GL) entries.

  • Sales for different categories, such as stock sales and freight, cost of goods sold, and profit percentages.

  • Errors that result from running the program.

Depending on how you set the processing options, the system updates the F4211 and the Sales Order Detail History (F42119) tables from information that is stored in the F7611B table.

Note: If you do not set the processing options to update tables F4211 and F42119, you must run the Sales Update program after you run the Sales Update - Brazil program.

You must select the appropriate version of the Sales Update - Brazil program to update the tables. Select one of these versions, based on the company's process:

  • Sales Update

    You can use the proof or final mode of this version when the sales order has been processed through Invoice Print and contains a document number and type in the Sales Order Detail file.

  • Assign Invoice Numbers

    You must use the proof or final version when the sales order has not been processed to print invoices in the Print Invoice program. The program assigns an AR number.

    Note: Because of the number of transactions that occur when you run the Sales Update - Brazil program, you should run the program in proof mode first to detect and correct any errors before you run it in final mode.