Understanding Stand-Alone Notas Fiscais

In Brazil, the government requires that businesses maintain detailed information regarding all merchandise and associated taxes. The information accompanies shipments in the form of a document that is referred to as nota fiscal.

You might need to generate a nota fiscal apart from a purchase or sales order. For example, you might need to create a standalone nota fiscal if a manufacturer from outside of Brazil ships merchandise to you without a nota fiscal. You would need to generate an inbound standalone nota fiscal to begin the tracking process.

The standalone nota fiscal is not linked to any other accounting processes. For example, when you generate a standalone nota fiscal, it does not interface with general ledger, inventory, purchase order, sales order, accounts payable, or accounts receivable processes. Generate a standalone nota fiscal only when you want to print a document that does not affect any other accounting process.

When you enter a standalone nota fiscal manually, you should enter header and detail information. Once you enter this information, you can review the documents online to verify that the information is correct. You can review notas fiscais by order number or by nota fiscal number.


If you review notas fiscais after printing a nota fiscal in proof mode, the nota fiscal number for each document is represented by a unique, system-generated next number. If you review notas fiscais after printing in final mode, the nota fiscal number is the official, government-assigned number.

When you run the PIS COFINS Netting Process program (P76B9011), the system does not create journal entries for the PIS/PASEP and COFINS taxes that you enter in this application. You must manually create the journal entries.