Understanding Voucher Entry and Voucher Match for Brazil

In Brazil, you must use a three-way voucher match to create a voucher from a nota fiscal. You must locate the receipt records that correspond to the nota fiscal and match them to the nota fiscal. For example, if a supplier sends a nota fiscal for 100.00, you must locate and match the receipt records for the 100.00 worth of items that correspond to the nota fiscal. You can select multiple receipt records to match on a single voucher. When you complete the match process, the system creates two batches if any of the transactions are subject to IPI or ICMS recoverable or to ICMS payable.

The total amount of the receipt records that you match to a nota fiscal must equal the amount on the nota fiscal. For example, if two receipt records correspond to a nota fiscal and each receipt record is for 200.00, the nota fiscal amount must equal 400.00 to perform a match. If a nota fiscal reflects a partial order, you can change the quantity or amount of a receipt record to match the nota fiscal. The system leaves the remaining balance of the receipt record open. For example, if a receipt record reflects 100 items but the nota fiscal amount reflects 50 items, you can change the receipt record quantity to 50. You can create a voucher for the remaining 50 items at a later time.

Before creating vouchers:

  • Review the processing options for the Standard Voucher Entry program (P0411). You must set the Match Processing processing option on the Voucher Match tab to 1 and the Voucher Match Version processing option on the Voucher Match tab to the version of the Voucher Match program (P4314) that you want to use.

  • Review the processing options for the Voucher Match program (P4314). You must set the accounts receivable processing option on the Summarization tab to 1 to correctly process Brazilian taxes.