Understanding Voucher Processing for Brazil

The system enables some functions for voucher entry for Brazil differently than for the standard voucher entry process:

  • If a voucher has withholding lines, you cannot modify the voucher using the Standard Voucher Entry program (P0411).

    Use the F0411 Taxes Maintenance program (P76B4200) to modify ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL taxes. You can also modify IRPJ taxes if they were calculated using the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL and IRPJ program (R76B4310).

  • The ability to void or delete a line on a voucher is disabled if the voucher has been processed by using the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL and IRPJ program (R76B4310) and records exist for the voucher in the Voucher Tax Processed table (F76B4012).

  • When you delete a voucher, the system identifies whether the voucher includes withholding lines for INSS for an individual. If the voucher includes withholding lines for INSS for an individual, the system:

    • Sets the value in the Reprocess INSSPF field to yes in the Tax Accumulates by AN8 table (F76B4016) to enable the system to reprocess the month and update the accumulated amounts.

    • Deletes the withholding lines from the Voucher Additional Information Brazil table (F76B0411).

    • Deletes the document from the table F76B4012.

    If the voucher does not contain a withholding line for INSS for an individual, the system deletes the withholding lines from the F76B0411 table and deletes the document from the table F76B4012.