Understanding Voucher Match Automation for Brazil (Release 9.2 Update)

You can use batch voucher processing, including the voucher match automation (VMA) process, when you work with Brazilian transactions. The VMA process enables you to automatically match receipts to purchase order lines and create standard vouchers.

Note: The VMA process supports voucher logging for many transactions. However, the system does not support voucher logging for Brazilian transactions. If you set the processing options to generate logged vouchers, the system prints a blank report and does not perform any matching.

The VMA process enables you to use six different automation rules to automatically match invoice lines to receipts and purchase orders, and then create vouchers. You can specify the automation rule in the supplier master record or in the purchase order.

Note: Oracle strongly recommends that you use Automation Rule 02 or Automation Rule 04 only for Brazilian transactions because those automation rules will create and match receipt lines for Brazilian taxes. Rules 01, 03, and 05 will not generate any matches for Brazilian transactions, and Rule 06 can cause the system to create receipt lines for taxes that you will not be able to match.

Before the system matches invoices to receipts for Brazilian transactions using the voucher match automation (VMA) process, the system validates that the nota fiscal status is closed. If the status is other than closed, the system prints a message on the report output directing you to look for the error message in the Work Center.

The VMA process updates the vendor invoice number field (VINV) in the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411) with the fiscal number and nota fiscal series number from the Nota Fiscal Detail table (F7611B) for paper notas fiscais, or with the NFe Legal Number from the NFe Header table (F76B01TE) if the nota fiscal is an electronic nota fiscal. If the detail record for the nota fiscal is missing, the system prints a message on the report output directing you to look for the error message in the Work Center.

Processing options determine whether the system completes matches for invoice lines without errors when other lines in a batch have errors. See "Setting Processing Options for the Voucher Match Automation Process" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Procurement Management Implementation Guide