What You Should Know About the Flexible Field

The Flexible Field is a 400-character field (data item GIFF) in the Electronic GIA Detail table (F76B131). When you run the Extract GIA program, the system reads data in the F76101B table and the F76111B table and writes a series of text strings, each up to 400 characters, to the Flexible Field in table F76B131. When you load GIA records in the Electronic GIA Workbench program, the system parses the text in the Flexible Field into the appropriate fields on the Electronic GIA Revision form.

If you manually create records by using the Electronic GIA Workbench program, the system creates the text string that it writes to the Flexible Field by concatenating the values that you enter in the fields on the Electronic GIA Revision form. The system displays the text string in the Electronic GIA Revision form when you click Find after completing a record.