Changes From Closed

Access the Services Info Updates on Closed Declaration form.

Internal Declaration Number

The system populates this field with the new internal declaration number for the declaration for the current period.

Old Internal Declaration Number

The system populates this field with the internal declaration number for the closed declaration of a previous period.

New Service Explanation Code

The system populates this field with the updated value that identifies the service class provided or received in the transaction.

Old Service Explanation Code

The system populates this field with the value that identifies the service class provided or received in the transaction for the closed declaration from the previous period.

New Method of Supply

The system populates this field with the updated value that identifies how often the service is provided or received.

Old Method of Supply

The system populates this field with the value that identifies how often the service is provided or received for the closed declaration from the previous period.

New Method of Collection

The system populates this field with the updated value that specifies how the service is paid for (direct debits, credit transfers, or others).

Old Method of Collection

The system populates this field with the value that specifies how the service is paid for (direct debits, credit transfers, or others) for the closed declaration from the previous period.

New Country of Payment

The system populates this field with the updated country code from Supplier Address Book system if the batch type is V or W, and from the Company Address Book system if the batch type is IB.

Old Country of Payment

The system populates this field with the country code that you entered for the closed declaration from the previous period.