
1. Legal Company

Specify the legal company number to use to retrieve the fixed asset information for the transaction companies. If you leave this processing option blank, the system produces a blank report.

2. Century

Specify the first two digits of the four-digit fiscal year to use to retrieve information for the report. For example, if you run the program for fiscal year 2010, enter 20.

3. Fiscal Year

Specify the two-digit fiscal year to use to retrieve information for the report. For example, if you run the program for fiscal year 2010, enter 10.

4. Period Number - General Ledger

Specify the period number through which the system retrieves transactions for the report. For example, if you enter 6, the system retrieves information for the first six periods of the fiscal year and century that you specify.

5. Suppress Zero Amounts

Specify whether to print assets that do not have a balance. Values are:

Blank: Print all assets that regardless of the balance.

1:Do not print assets that have a zero balance.

6. Account Category Code

Specify whether to print the standard account number associated with the asset or the category code value. Values are:

Blank: Print the standard account number (business unit.object.subsidiary).

21: Print the value of category code 21.

22: Print the value of category code 22.

23: Print the value of category code 23.

7. User Defined Code Table

Specify the UDC table to use to retrieve the ledger types for which you want the system to retrieve corresponding transactions.

Product Code

Enter the product code of the UDC table that contains the ledger types for which you want to retrieve transactions for the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses product code 76H.

User-Defined Codes

Enter the UDCs of the UDC table that contains the ledger types for which you want to retrieve transactions for the report. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses LL.

8. Assets Ledger Setup Code

Specify the asset ledger setup code to use to retrieve the column and document type information to print on the report. The system includes only information that is set up for the asset ledger setup code specified.

9. Mode

Specify whether to run the report in proof or final mode. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode. The system prints the report and assigns 1 as the page number.

1: Final mode. The system prints the report and assigns each page a folio number that it retrieves from the Next Numbers table (F0002) based on the value that you enter in the Document Type processing option.