
1. Document Type

Specify the document type to use to retrieve the number from the Next Numbers table (F0002) that the system assigns to each page of the report. The system uses the number associated with the document type for the company specified, or for company 00000, if the document type is not set up for the specific company. If the system cannot locate a next number for the document type specified or if you leave this processing option blank, the system does not assign a folio number to each page of the report.

2. Report Title

Specify whether to print the title that is entered in the two Title fields on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print the title that is entered in the Title fields.

1: Do not print the title.

3. Legal Company

Specify whether to print the legal company information, such as the name and address, on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print the company information.

1: Do not print the company information.