Understanding SAFT-PT

The Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes - Portuguese version (SAFT-PT) is a standardized XML file used for exporting the accounting information of a company to the tax authorities. SAFT-PT complies with the Portuguese law of a directive from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and is applied to all information registered after January 1, 2008. The system generates the SAFT-PT report in a normalized format for XML documents, complying with the SAFT-PT.xsd validation schema available onhttp://www.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt.

The system generates the SAFT-PT XML using the following steps:

  • The SAFT -PT Extractor program (R74L3001) extracts the required information and produces the intermediate XML.

  • The Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP) XSL transformation and report definition converts the intermediate XML to the legal SAFT-PT XML.

See Portugal SAF-T XML Mappings (Doc ID 2308107.1) .