Adding GUI/VAT Information to Existing Purchase Transactions

To add GUI/VAT information:

Access the GUI/VAT Transaction Revisions form by using the GUI/VAT Transaction - Purchase option.

This table lists the fields for which you enter specific values for purchase transactions. Other fields are discussed elsewhere in this documentation.

GUI Prefix

The system completes the GUI Prefix field with the first two characters of the invoice number. For purchase transactions, the invoice number is the GUI number from the supplier's invoice.

GUI No. (From)

The system completes the GUI No. (From) field with the eight numeric characters of the invoice number. For purchase transactions, the invoice number is the GUI number from the supplier's invoice.

Deduction Code

Enter a code that indicates that a purchased item is deductible. The code that you enter must exist in the Deduction Code (75T/DC) UDC table.

Purchase Item Type

Enter a code that indicates the type of item that is purchased. The code that you enter must exist in the GUI/VAT Purchase Item Type (75T/PT) UDC table.

Purchase Usage (403)

Enter a code that indicates how a purchased item will be used. The code that you enter must exist in the GUI/VAT Purchase Use (75T/PU) UDC table.

VAT Payment Doc

Enter the document number of the declaration for exportation. The document number is used in the GUI/VAT Zero Tax Rate Sales Amount List program (R75T004T).