Entering Purchases of Foreign Goods or Services

Access the GUI/VAT Multiple Transaction Revisions form.

You enter transactions for foreign goods and services as VAT-exempt transactions.

This table lists the fields for which you enter specific values for purchase transactions. Other fields are discussed elsewhere in this documentation.

Trs Typ (transaction type)

Enter the transaction type that specifies the transaction type of the GUI/VAT. The code that you enter must exist in the GUI/VAT Transaction Type (75T/TT) UDC table.

You must enter a value of FSV (foreign service) for services or IGD (imported goods) for goods.

Doc Typ (document type)

Enter the document type of the GUI/VAT document. The value that you enter must exist in the GUI/VAT Document Type (75T/DT) UDC table. The value for imported goods or services must be IMP (import).

Fm Cd (format code)

Enter the format code for the transaction. The code that you enter must exist in the GUI/VAT Format Code (75T/FC) UDC table. No format code exists for imported goods and services. This field must be blank, so you must have a value of "blank" in the GUI/VAT Format Code (75T/FC) UDC table.

T T (tax type)

Enter the tax type for the transaction. The code that you enter must exist in the GUI/VAT Tax Type (75T/TX) UDC table.

The system supplies a default value in the T T (VAT Tax Type) field, based on the tax area and tax explanation codes that are set up in the GUI/VAT Tax Type Mapping program.

Note: The tax type for imported goods and services must be blank, so a value of blank must exist in the GUI/VAT Tax Type (75T/TX) UDC table and you must associate a value of blank to the tax area and tax explanation code in the GUI/VAT Tax Type Mapping program.