Entering VAT Prepaid Through Customs

Access the GUI/VAT Multiple Transaction Revisions form.

This table lists the fields for which you enter specific values for purchase transactions. Other fields are discussed elsewhere in this documentation.

See Common Fields Used in Taiwan.

Doc Typ (document type)

The system completes the Doc Typ (GUI/VAT Document Type) field based on the values that you set up in the GUI/VAT Format Code Document Code Setup program (P75T011). For VAT prepaid through customs transactions, the value must be VPD (VAT Payment Document).

Fm Cd (format code)

The system completes this field based on the values that you set up in the GUI/VAT Format Code Document Code Setup program. For VAT prepaid through customs transactions, the value must be 28.

VAT Pay Doc No. PF (value-added tax prepayment document number prefix)

Enter the 4-character prefix of the prepayment document number.

VAT Pay Doc No. From (value-added tax prepayment document number from)

Enter the 14-digit VAT prepayment document number that you obtain from the customs broker or the Customs Authority.

VAT Pay Doc No. To (value-added tax prepayment document number to)

The system completes this field with the same number as you entered in the VAT Pay Doc No. From field if there is only one transaction, or completes this field with the last number in the range of numbers assigned to multiple transactions.

Tx Ex (tax explanation)

Enter VT for VAT prepayment transactions.

Tax Area

Enter 28 for VAT prepaid through customs transactions.

CC 7 (category code 7)

The system completes this field with the value that you associate with the supplier in the GUI/VAT Supplier Constants program (P75T0091). Values for the category code are stored in UDC 75T/C7.