Manually Running the Database Creation Scripts - Windows with SQL Server

Once the Platform Pack install has successfully completed on the Windows-based Enterprise Server, the SQL Server database creation scripts and dump files are located on the same disk as the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne install location on the Enterprise Server. For example:


As it runs, the Platform Pack installer edits the script that sets the environment variables. You can review this script for accuracy:


To manually run the SQL Server database installation scripts:

  1. Sign on to the Enterprise Server as a Windows account that is part of the SQLServerxxx groups (there are 3 groups).

  2. Start the cmd window with Run As Administrator.

  3. Navigate to the Z:\JDEdwardsPPack\E920_1\mssql folder as described in the example above.

  4. Verify that DATA_PATH in SQL_set.bat is set to the parent of the current directory:


  5. Run the InstallSQLDatabase.bat script.

  6. Check the logs in the logs directory.