Copy the JDBC Drivers

To copy the JDBC drivers:

  1. On the Deployment Server, create a \JDBC subdirectory under the folder that contains the Web Client installation program. For example:

    \\<deployment server name>\<release>\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\WLSH4A\JDBC


    \\<deployment server name>\<release>\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\WASH4A\JDBC

    Note: If you have to copy the JDBC files to a different directory for some reason, you have to add an entry to the oraparam.ini file for the WLSH4A or WASH4A installer to indicate the location of that JDBC directory. Edit the oraparam.ini file located in this directory:\\<deployment server name>\<release>\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\WLSH4A\Installor\\<deployment server name>\<release>\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\WASH4A\InstallAdd this entry to the [FileLocations] section of the oraparam.ini file:For example,
    Note: If you leave this entry out, the WLSH4A or WASH4A installer will look for the JDBC directory up one level from the setup.exe program for WLSH4A or WASH4A.
  2. Refer to the section of this guide entitled: Understanding Certifications for information on where to obtain the JDBC drivers.

    The required JDBC drivers for each platform are listed below:


    Required Driver


    SQL Server 2005


    Microsoft provides a type 4 JDBC driver with full support at no additional charge. Download the JDBC driver directly from Microsoft's website.

    Use the installation documentation that comes with the download to install the JDBC driver into a temporary location.


    ojdbc8.jar, ons.jar, ucp.jar

    The JDBC driver for Oracle will automatically be downloaded to your system when you install an Oracle database client or server. If you install a different driver, the system may not function properly.



    The JDBC driver for DB2/UDB is delivered with DB2/UDB server or client installation. Both files need to be present.

    DB2/400 for IBMi


    The DB2/400 driver for the IBMi platform is delivered with the DB2/400 database installation.

  3. Obtain the JDBC drivers and copy them to the JDBC directory you created in the first step.

    When the Web Client is deployed to a target machine, these drivers are automatically installed into the following directory:

    <Client Install Path>\misc