Copy the tnsnames.ora file

The tnsnames.ora file is required only if the Development Client will connect to an Oracle database. However, if the tnsnames.ora file is not copied to the correct directory on the Deployment Server, the user will receive an error message during the Web Client installation process.

To copy the tnsnames.ora file:

  1. Obtain the tnsnames.ora file from an Oracle database configured to run with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

  2. If the Web Client will use an Oracle database installed locally on the Development Client machine, you must use the following steps to ensure that the tnsnames.ora file has an entry to allow the Web Client to connect to the local database:

    1. Edit the tnsnames.ora file.

    2. If an entry for E1Local does not already exist, add this to the file:

      E1LOCAL =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = E1Local)
    3. Save the tnsnames.ora file.

  3. Copy the tnsnames.ora to this directory on the Deployment Server:

    \\<deployment server name>\<release>\Client

    When the Development Client and the Web Client are installed on a target machine, this file is automatically installed to the following directories:

    For Development Client:

    <64-bit Oracle database install path>\NETWORK\ADMIN

    For WLSH4A:

    • <Client Install Path>\system\JAS\ EA_JAS_80.ear \webclient.war\WEB-INF\classes

    • <Client Install Path>\<pathcode>\ini\sbf

    For WASH4A:

    • <Client Install Path>\JAS\EA_JAS_80.ear\webclient.war\WEB-INF

    • <Client Install Path>\<pathcode>\ini\sbf