Update the Database Drivers in the JDBJ.ini File

The Web Client installer updates the JDBJ.ini file with settings for the databases to which the Web Client will connect based on the JDBC database drivers found in this directory:

<Client Install Path>\misc

As noted in the preceding section of this chapter entitled: Copy the JDBC Drivers, these JDBC database drivers are copied from this directory:

\\<deployment server name>\<release>\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\<WLSH4A_or_WASH4A>\JDBC

Note: If the end user copies additional database drivers into the <Client Install Path>\misc directory after installing WLSH4A or WASH4A, they will need to update the list of drivers in the JDBJ.ini file. Instructions for doing this are in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Development Client Installation Guide.

To update the database drivers in the JDBJ.ini file:

  1. Edit the JDBJ.ini files, which are typically found in these directories on your JD Edwards Development Client machine:

    For WLSH4A:

    • <Client Install Path>\system\JAS\EA_JAS_80.ear\webclient.war\WEB-INF\classes

    • <Client Install Path>\<pathcode>\ini\sbf

    For WASH4A:

    • <Client Install Path>\JAS\EA_JAS_80.ear\webclient.war\WEB-INF\classes

    • <Client Install Path>\<pathcode>\ini\sbf

  2. Locate the section: [JDBj-JDBC DRIVERS] and comment (add a hash or pound sign '#' at the beginning of the line) to disable any drivers that are not needed and uncomment (remove any hash or pound signs '#' at the beginning of the line) to enable any drivers that are needed.

    The following table lists the database driver names for the types of databases that EnterpriseOne supports.


    Setting in [JDBj-JDBC DRIVERS]



    IBM DB for i


    SQL Server 2005


    IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
