Creating an Installation Package

This task describes how to add a Web Client Installation Feature to an installation package.

  1. On the Deployment Server, run EnterpriseOne.

  2. From the Package and Deployment Tools menu (GH9083), choose Package Assembly (P9601).

  3. Choose an assembled package that you want to deploy to the Development Client, and click Package Revisions from the Row Exit menu, or click Add to create a new package.

    Caution: Do not attempt to add a feature to an existing package that has already been built. When you deactivate a built package, EnterpriseOne deletes the package.
  4. Click Features.

  5. On the Features Component screen, click Browse.

  6. On the Feature Component Selection screen, click Find.

  7. Choose the Web Client Installation Feature for the Application Server you are using.

    Caution: Do not include a feature for more than one of the Web Client installers (such as WLSH4A or WASH4A) in a single installation package. If you use more than one application server in your environment, create a separate package for each feature.
  8. Click Select.

    A check mark displays to the left of the component.

  9. Click Close.

  10. On the Feature Component screen, click Close.

  11. On Package Component Revisions, click OK.

  12. Choose the package you just modified, and click Activate/Inactive in the Row Exit menu.

  13. Click Define Build in the Row Exit menu.

  14. On the Work with Package Build Definition screen, click Add.

  15. Navigate through the Package Build Definition screens by clicking Next.

  16. On the Build Features screen, click the Build Feature INFs check box.

  17. Complete the Build Definition process.

  18. On Work With Package Build Definition, click Submit Build in the Row Exit menu.