Editing the jde.ini File

This section discusses how to make the appropriate changes to the jde.ini file on a Microsoft Windows system.

  1. Navigate to the \system\bin32 directory under the new host code directory, and edit the jde.ini file.

  2. Locate the [DEBUG], [INSTALL], and [BSFN BUILD] sections in the jde.ini file, and change the paths in each of these entries to point to the new host code directory:

    Note: Replace host_code_dir in the entries below with the name of the new host code directory.
    StartServicePrefix=JDEdwards Update x.x 

    where x.x is the tools release number. For example, 9.2.

  3. Locate the [JDENET] section, and find the port settings for serviceNameList and serviceNameConnect. For each entry, add 100 to the number. For example, if the settings are both 6013, change them to 6113.

  4. In the [JDEIPC] section, add 1000 to the startIPCKeyValue entry as shown below:

    Note: If the startIPCKeyValue value is commented out, delete the comment mark.
  5. In the [SECURITY] section, either clear security, or edit DefaultEnvironment to reference a valid environment that accesses the new tools release.

  6. Replace all references to the production environment (for example, PD812) with a valid environment that will access the new tools release (for example, PY920).