Editing the JDE.INI

This section discusses editing the JDE.INI on an IBM i server.

Note: Do not use the A98OWMNU option to access the JDE.INI. This option takes you to the Production JDE.INI, not the service pack JDE.INI.
  1. Edit the JDE.INI you just copied by entering the following command:


    where syslib is the name of the new system library. For example, B9SPSYS.

  2. Enter Option 2 to Edit the file.

  3. Locate the [DEBUG] and [INSTALL] sections in the JDE.INI, and change the paths in each of the entries below to point to the new IFS directory and Library respectively:

  4. Locate the [JDEIPC] section and change the startIPCKeyValue. This value should be an unused start key not within the IPC range of another instance. For example, if the IPC value of another instance is 5000, then you should set the startIPCKeyValue to 7000.

  5. Locate the [JDENET] section, and find the port settings for serviceNameList and serviceNameConnect. For each entry, add 100 to the number. For example, if the settings are both 6013, change them to 6113.

  6. In the [SECURITY] section, either clear security or edit DefaultEnvironment to reference a valid environment that accesses the new Tools Release.

  7. Replace all references to the production environment (for example, PD9) with a valid environment that will access the new service pack (for example, PD812).