Alternative Method for Creating Databases

Use this alternative method for creating databases if you have problems running the create-database task that is documented for setting up a remote SQL Server database on Windows for a stand-alone production server.

Before you begin, you must create the databases.

  1. Expand the nodes to see Databases.

  2. Right-click on Databases to see New database.

  3. Enter the database name. For information on the recommended database architecture and the databases you will need to create, see Planning for SQL Server

  4. On the Options page, select Collation Name from the drop-down list that matches your environment. Set the collation to case-sensitive. For example, on an English system: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

    Note: For LikeMinds, CI is the default setting; however, CS can also be used.
  5. Click OK to save the database changes