Before You Begin

Before beginning the database configuration, verify that a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server Database software is installed. Refer to the Minimum Technical Requirements for this information. In addition, we strongly recommend you visit the IBM WebSphere Portal Version v8.5 Information Center and review the “Configuring WebSphere Portal to use a database" section:

For advanced configurations, refer to the IBM WebSphere Portal Version v8.5 Information Center.

View the steps to install SQL Server for use with WebSphere Portal. Before you begin this task, complete the following prerequisites:

  • You should have completed reviewing the Planning for SQL Server topic.

  • You must install SQL Server separately from WebSphere Portal.

    You can obtain the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver from Microsoft. See the Microsoft SQL Server product documentation for installation details (sqljdbc4.jar)

    Note: The driver must be a JDBC 4.0 compliant driver.

This section provides instructions for installing SQL Server for use with IBM® WebSphere® Application Server and WebSphere Portal. These steps are the same for both the DataDirect and Microsoft drivers unless noted.

  1. Install SQL Server and all required patches.

  2. Select the Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication) authentication mode for this installation.

    Important: Mixed Mode authentication allows either a Windows user or an SQL Server user, or both, to log in to the SQL Server; however, WebSphere Portal requires the user to be an SQL Server user.
  3. In the SQL Server Setup panel, Components to Install, select the following component, which is required services for WebSphere Portal:

    SQL Server Database Services

  4. Complete the installation using SQL Server as per documentation.

  5. Enable TCP/IP connectivity in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

  6. Installing Microsoft SQL Server JDBC drivers:

    1. Download and install the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver; see Microsoft Download Center for information.

    2. Start the database server.

    3. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the local database engine as the system administrator, sa.

    4. Select File -> Open -> File and select xa_install.sql from the subdirectory of the downloaded and extracted JDBC driver.

    5. Execute the script by selecting Query -> Execute.

    Note: Any warnings that appear in the messages section of the application window that say that stored procedures cannot be found can be safely ignored.
  7. Start SQL Server.