ACRN Depletion: First Invoice

The total cost and fee amount for the first invoice for funding-level contract 600 is $87,000.00 USD. The system uses the sequence number that you assigned to determine which ACRN have amounts withdrawn from their totals. In this example, the system depletes ACRN 1001 first and then depletes the remaining amount ($37,000.00 USD) from ACRN 1002.

The award fee amount for the first invoice is $8,000.00 USD. The award amount fees are shown on the By Award Fee tab.

The system depletes the award fee ACRNs as follows:

  • Depletes $1,600.00 USD from ACRN 2001.

    20 percent of $8,000.00 USD = $1,600.00

  • Depletes $2,400.00 USD from ACRN 2002.

    30 percent of $8,000.00 USD = $2,400.00

  • Depletes $4,000.00 USD from ACRN 2003.

    50 percent of $8,000.00 USD = $4,000.00