ACRN Depletion: Second Invoice

Suppose that you now process a second invoice. The total cost and fee amount for the second invoice for contract 600 is $62,000.00 USD. The system depletes $13,000.00 USD from ACRN 1002 and then depletes $49,000.00 USD from the next ACRN, which is ACRN 1003.

The award fee amount for the second invoice is $6,000.00 USD. The system depletes the award fee ACRNs as follows:

  • Depletes $1,200.00 USD from ACRN 2001.

    20 percent of $6,000.00 USD = $1,200.00

  • Depletes $1,800.00 USD from ACRN 2002.

    30 percent of $6,000.00 USD = $1,800.00

  • Depletes $3,000.00 USD from ACRN 2003.

    50 percent of $6,000.00 USD = $3,000.00