Adding an Invoice Printing Style

Access the Invoice Printing Style Revisions form.

Presentation Level

Specify the level at which you want the system to separate out invoice amounts. Values are:

1: Invoice Level Contract

The system combines amounts from all funding level contracts for the invoice level contract. For example, if the invoice style contains a labor section, the system combines labor amounts from all funding level contracts for the invoice into one labor section.

2: Funding Level Contract

The system prints amounts for each funding level contract for the invoice level contract in separate sections. For example, if the invoice style contains a labor section, the system prints a labor section for each funding level contract and then prints a summary for the invoice level contract at the end.

3: Business Unit

The system prints subheadings for each business unit within each funding level for the invoice level contract and then prints the invoice style sections for that business unit. The system also prints a summary for the invoice level contract at the end.

4: Business Unit + Subsidiary

The system prints subheadings for each business unit and subsidiary within each funding level for the invoice level contract and then prints the invoice style sections for that business unit and subsidiary. The system also prints a summary for the invoice level contract at the end.

The system stores valid values in UDC table 52G/PL. These values are hard-coded.


For presentation levels 2, 3, and 4, the amounts for the invoice level summary are summarized by section into one line. The system does not repeat the detail that was printed for each funding level, business unit, or business unit and subsidiary. For example, if you select presentation level 2 and then set up a Labor and a Travel section, each with a Current Amount Summarization Rule of 3: for Employee Name, the system summarizes amounts as follows:

For each funding level, the system prints a Labor section with amounts summarized by employee name and prints a Travel section with amounts summarized by employee name.

After the last funding level for the invoice level contract, the system prints a Labor section with the labor amounts from all funding levels summarized into one line and then prints a Travel section with the travel amounts from all funding levels summarized into one line.

Print POP Dates (print period of performance dates)

Select to indicate that the system should print the POP dates from the contract in the invoice header.

Print Cum Amounts (print cumulative amounts)

Select to indicate that the system should print cumulative amounts in the invoice sections.

Print Funded Amounts

Select to print funded amounts for the contract in the invoice header.

If you selected 1 in the Presentation Level field, the system prints the total funded amounts of all funding levels that are attached to the invoice level. If you selected 2,3, or 4 in the Presentation Level field, the system prints the funded amounts for the funding level.

Print Awarded Amounts

Select to indicate that the system should print awarded amounts for the contract in the invoice header.

If you selected 1 in the Presentation Level field, the system prints the total awarded amounts of all funding levels that are attached to the invoice level. If you selected 2,3, or 4 in the Presentation Level field, the system prints the awarded amounts for the funding level.

Sequence Number

Specify the order in which the section should print on the invoice.

Section Name

Enter a name for the section. The system prints this name on the invoice as a section title.

Section Type

Select the code that represents the type of transactions for the section. Values are:

A: Award Fee

B: Labor Burden

BRD: Applied Burden/Component

D: Direct Draw

DSC: Discount

EXC: Limit Exceeded Adjustment

F: Fee Line

L: Lump Sum

M: Milestone

OTH: Other

P: Progress

R: Rated Draw

RET: Retainage

S: Cost Plus

SBT: Subtotal

T: Time and Material

TAX: Tax

TXT: Text

U: Unit Price

Depending on the section type that you select, the system requires you to complete additional fields.

See Invoice Styles.

The system stores valid section types in UDC table 52G/ST. These values are hard-coded.

Note: If the section does not contain any amounts, the system does not print the section on the invoice.
Account Range Group

Select the account range group of the accounts that are applicable to the section.

Burden/Component Rule

Select a burden/component rule to determine how the system prints burden and component transactions.

Current Amt Summarization (current amount summarization)

Specify how the system summarizes and sequences the current amounts in the invoice section. Values are:

1: Detail (Every Transaction)

2: One Line

3: Employee Name

4: Employee Name + Date

5: Job Type (Labor Category)

6: Job Type + Emp Name

7: Job Type + Emp Name + Date

8: Job Type + Job Step

9: Job Step

10: Object Account

11: Pay Type (PDBA)

12: Name Alpha Extension (EXA)

13: Name Remark Explanation (EXR)

The system stores valid values for this field in UDC table 52G/CR. These values are hard-coded.

Cum Amt Summarization (cumulative amount summarization)

Specify how the system summarizes and sequences the cumulative amounts in the invoice section. This field is available only if you have selected the Print Cum Amounts check box in the header of the invoice style. The system stores valid values for this field in UDC table 52G/CM. These values are the same as those in UDC table 52G/CR and are hard-coded. Depending on the value that you select in the Current Amt Summarization field, only certain values are valid. Valid combinations are:

Current Amount Summarization: 01 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 01 or 02.

Current Amount Summarization: 02 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02.

Current Amount Summarization: 03 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 03.

Current Amount Summarization: 04 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02, 03 or 04.

Current Amount Summarization: 05 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 05.

Current Amount Summarization: 06 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02, 05 or 06.

Current Amount Summarization: 07 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02, 05, 06 or 07.

Current Amount Summarization: 08 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02, 05 or 08.

Current Amount Summarization: 09and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 09.

Current Amount Summarization: 10 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 10.

Current Amount Summarization: 11 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 11.

Current Amount Summarization: 12 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 12.

Current Amount Summarization: 13 and Cumulative Amount Summarization: 02 or 13.

Print Units

Specify how to print units on the invoice section. Values are:

Blank: Do not print units.

1: Print units for current amounts only.

2: Print units for cumulative amounts only.

3: Print units for current and cumulative amounts.

The system stores valid values for this field in UDC table 52G/PU. These values are hard-coded.

Print Rate

Specify how to print rates on the invoice section. Values are:

Blank: Do not print rates on the invoice section.

1: Print rates for current amounts only.

The system stores valid values for this field in UDC table 52G/PR. These values are hard-coded.

Beginning Sequence and Ending Sequence

Enter the range of sequence numbers of the invoice sections to be included in the subtotal. If the range that you specify includes any other SBT sections, the system excludes them from the subtotal amount.

Text Line Code

Select the code for the text line that you want to use for the invoice section.

Print Section Total

Specify whether to print a total at the end of the section. If you select this check box for a section that is set up to print units, the system uses the value in the Print Units field for the section to determine how to print units in the section total.