Invoice Styles

Invoice styles comprise multiple invoice sections. Each invoice section can contain the account range codes, burden and component rules, and text line codes that you set up. When you set up invoice styles, you first specify the following information at the header level:

  • Presentation level

    Determines the level at which the system summarizes amounts. You can choose from four levels of summarization. The most detailed level is by business unit and subsidiary and the least detailed level is by invoice level.

  • Print period of performance (POP) dates

    Determines whether the system prints the POP dates for the invoice in the header area of the invoice.

  • Print awarded amounts

    Determines whether the system prints the awarded amounts from the invoice level contract on the invoice header.

  • Print funded amounts

    Determines whether the system prints the funded amounts from the invoice level contract on the invoice header.

  • Print cumulative amounts

    Determines whether you can print cumulative amounts on the invoice. For each section, you can select the option to not print cumulative amounts. However, if you do not select this option at the header level of the invoice style, you cannot print cumulative amounts for any sections within the style.

After you set up the presentation level and the header information for the invoice style, you set up the sections for the style. Because the various section types contain different types of transactions, each section type has specific guidelines. This table describes the guidelines for each section type:

Section Type


T (time and materials) and S (cost plus)

These guidelines apply to T and S sections:

  • You must associate an account range group with the section.

  • You can associate a burden/component rule with the section, but you must select a burden/component rule that has been set up with a summarization rule of 1, 2, or 3.

  • You can use any of the 13 summarization options for current amounts.

  • Depending on which summarization option you choose for current amounts, you can use one of several summarization options for cumulative amounts.

  • You can select any of the options for printing units if you have selected the Print Cum Amounts check box on the header of the invoice style. If you have not selected this check box, you can select only these options:

    • Do not print

    • Print for Current Only

  • You can select either of the options for printing rates.

  • You can print a section total.

A (award fee), B (labor burden), D (draw), F (fee), L (lump sum), M (milestone), P (progress), R (rated draw), U (unit price), TAX (tax), OTH (other)

These guidelines apply to A, B, D, F, L, M, P, R, U, TAX, and OTH sections:

  • You can select one of these two summarization options for both current and cumulative amounts:

    • Detail (every transaction)

    • One Line

  • You can print a section total.

A and F sections also include award fee and fee excess amounts.

TAX sections have these additional guidelines:

  • If you select the Detail (every transaction) summarization option for this section type, the system summarizes the amounts by tax rate/area.

  • If you do not set up a TAX section, the system adds the tax amounts in the sections to which they apply.

OTH sections contain all invoice amounts (other than discounts) that have not been defined in other section types within the style. You must include an OTH section in each invoice style that you create, but if you have set up your invoice style correctly, you should not have any amounts in this section. The OTH section is a troubleshooting tool for you to use when setting up your invoice styles.

DSC (discounts), EXC (limit excess), and RET (retainage)

These guidelines apply to DSC, EXC, and RET sections:

  • You can select only the One Line summarization option.

  • Discounts are not included in the total invoice amount.

  • The EXC section includes only cost and total excess amounts.

  • The system retrieves retainage amounts from the Invoice Summary Work File table (F4822).

BRD (applied burden/component)

These guidelines apply to BRD sections:

  • You must associate a burden/component rule with BRD sections, and you must select burden/component rules that have been set up with a summarization rule of 4 or 5.

  • You can print a section total.

SBT (subtotal)

You must specify a beginning and ending sequence number for SBT sections, and you must select an option for printing units.

TXT (text)

You must specify a text line code with TXT sections.

For each contract, you can define multiple styles. For example, you might set up one style to meet the request of your customer, and then set up another style that is a more detailed version of the invoice to keep for your records. You might also set up different invoice styles for different invoice level contracts that are attached to the same contract.

You use the Invoice Printing Styles program to set up styles and the system stores them in the Invoice Printing Style Header (F52G81) and Invoice Print Style (F52G82) tables.