Contract Terms

Select the Terms tab.

Service Contract Act

Select this check box to indicate that the Service Contract Act (SCA) applies to the contract. The SCA governs the minimum wage, fringe benefits, and working conditions for service employees who perform work as part of a U.S. federal government contract.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
Davis Bacon

Select this check box to indicate that the Davis Bacon Act applies to the contract. The Davis Bacon act governs the minimum wage and fringe benefits for laborers and mechanics who perform work as part of a U.S. federal government contract.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
CAS Covered (Cost Accounting Standards covered)

Select this check box to indicate that the contract must adhere to the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS). CAS ensures consistent and proper measurement, allocation, and assignment of costs to contracts with the U.S. federal government.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
TINA Covered (Truth in Negotiations Act covered)

Select this check box to indicate that the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA) applies to the contract. The TINA requires you to submit cost and pricing data at the request of the U.S. federal government to contract officers so that they can determine whether the contract award or modification is reasonably priced.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
Flow-Down Clauses Apply

Select this check box to indicate that the contract contains flow-down clauses. Flow-down clauses enable organizations to enforce the same contractual obligations for subcontractors that apply to the prime contractor. Using flow-down clauses, your organizations can hold the subcontractor to the same contractual duties and obligations as those that are specified for the prime. Flow-down clauses print on the purchase order.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
Quick Close-Out

Select this check box to indicate that you can use quick close-out procedures for this contract. Quick close-out procedures enable contracting officers to close the contract before you have made a final determination of final indirect cost rates.

Key Personnel

Select this check box to indicate that the contract requires key personnel to perform work for the contract. For situations in which key personnel are required, the customer identifies the key positions and requires information such as resumes for key personnel and commitments from them to remain on the job for a specified period of time. You can use supplemental data to record the specific key personnel requirements.

Vendor Type Goals

Select this check box to indicate that vendor-type goals apply to the contract. Vendor-type goals are specified by the customer and provide you with incentives to use suppliers that are classified as small or disadvantaged businesses. For example, the customer might state that if 25 percent of your suppliers are minority-owned, 20 percent are female-owned, and 10 percent are veteran-owned, then you will be eligible for an award fee. You use the Classification Code fields in the supplier's address book record to designate the supplier as one of the small or disadvantaged business types.

You can use Supplemental Data to record the vendor-type goals that are specified by the customer.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
Government Priority Rating

Enter the priority rating that the U.S. federal government has assigned to you. Priority ratings are used by the U.S. Department of Defense to prioritize businesses that would be needed in a crisis. The system prints this rating on the purchase order.

Fee Summarization Level

Specify whether to process fees in summary or detail for this contract. Values are:

Blank: Process fees in summary. The Invoice Generation (R52121) and Journal Generation programs (R48132) create one summarized fee record for all transactions on which the fee is calculated.

1: Process fees in detail. The R52121 and R48132 programs create an individual fee record for each transaction on which the fee is calculated

Caution: If you process fees in detail, be aware that this feature significantly increases the number of records in the Billing Detail Workfile (F4812) and Billing Workfile History (F4812H) tables. For example, if your invoice batch contains 100 workfile records on which a fee is calculated, the system creates 100 fee records in the F4812 and F4812H tables.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract and Service Billing 9.1 Implementation Guide, Setting Up Contracts, Creating A Contract, Understanding Detail Fee Processing.

ACRN Method-Cost/Fee (accounting classification reference number method-cost/fee)

Specify the method for depleting accounting classification numbers (ACRNs) for costs and fees on an invoice. Values are:

FIFO: The system depletes amounts from the ACRN using a first-in, first-out method. When you enter ACRNs in the ACRN Detail Revisions program (P52G05), you enter sequence numbers for each ACRN, and the system depletes the ACRNs in the order that you specify.

Ratio: The system depletes amounts from the ACRN using a percentage method. When you enter ACRNs in the P52G05 program, you enter a percentage for each ACRN, and the system depletes each ACRN according to the percentage. The percentages must total 100.

Manual: You must manually enter an amount to deplete the ACRN.

The system stores these hard-coded values in UDC table 52G/AM.

See Setting Up ACRNs.

ACRN Method-Award Fee (accounting classification reference number method-award/fee

Specify the method for depleting ACRNs for award fees on an invoice. Values are:

FIFO: The system depletes amounts from the ACRN using a first-in, first-out method.

Ratio: The system depletes amounts from the ACRN using a percentage method. When you enter ACRNs in the P52G05 program, you enter a percentage for each ACRN, and the system depletes each ACRN according to the percentage. The percentages must total 100.

Manual: You must manually enter an amount to deplete the ACRN.

The system stores these hard-coded values in UDC table 52G/AM.

See Setting Up ACRNs.

Allocation Level

Specify the destination business unit (job number) for allocations. Values are:

All Jobs


Specific Job

The system stores these hard-coded values in UDC table 52G/AL.


Select a value from UDC table 48S/RT to indicate the burden rate type to use for the cost amount on burdening transactions.

Alternate Cost

Select a value from UDC table 48S/RT to indicate the burden rate type to use for the alternate cost amount on burdening transactions.


Select a value from UDC table 48S/RT to indicate the burden rate type to use for the invoice amount on burdening transactions.


Select a value from UDC table 48S/RT to indicate the burden rate type to use for the revenue amount on burdening transactions.


Select this check box to indicate that a ceiling for burdening on the cost, alternate cost, invoice, or revenue amount applies to the contract.

If you select this check box for the Cost burden rate type, the system calculates the cost amounts for the burdening transactions on the lower of the burden cost rate type specified in the Billing Constants program (P48091) or the contract burden cost rate type.

If you select this check box for the Alternate Cost burden rate type, the system calculates the alternate cost amounts for the burdening transactions on the lower of the burden alternate cost rate type specified in the Billing Constants program or the contract burden alternate cost rate type.

If you select this check box for the Invoice burden rate type, the system calculates the invoice amount for the burdening transactions on the lower of the burden invoice rate type specified in the Billing Constants program or the contract burden invoice rate type.

If you select this check box for the Revenue burden rate type, the system calculates the revenue amounts for the burdening transactions on the lower of the burden revenue rate type specified in the Billing Constants program or the contract burden revenue rate type.

If you do not select this check box, the system uses the rate types from the contract.

FCCM Applicable (facilities capital cost of money applicable)

Select this check box to indicate that the burden category represents a Facilities Capital Cost Of Money (FCCM) cost. FCCM is generally defined as the new book value of property, plant and equipment, and certain intangible assets used in the operation of a business, but it does not include working capital.

Domestic or Foreign

Specify whether the currency for the contract is domestic or foreign.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
Base Currency

Specify a currency for transactions for the contract.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
Billing Currency
Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.