Fields for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts

Type Business Unit

Select a valid business unit type. If you select a business unit type that is defined in the Service Constants program (P48091) as an advanced contract billing job type, then you must enter a contract number in the Funding Level field.

Funding Level

Enter the contract number of the funding level with which this job is associated. After you enter the contract number of the funding level, the system populates the Invoice Level and Contract Level fields with the corresponding numbers.

Related BU (related business unit)

The system populates this field based on the value in the Allocation Level field in the contract for the funding level.

Burden Category

Select a category from user-defined code (UDC) table 48S/BC to identify the types of expenses that are charged to accounts in this job. The system uses the value in this field when you perform actual rate calculation.

See "Processing Actual Rate Calculation" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.

FAR Unallowable (Federal Acquisitions Regulation unallowable)

Select this option to indicate that a job is for expenses that are not allowed by the U.S. federal government according to the Federal Acquisitions Regulation (FAR).

Adjustment Only

Select this option to indicate that a job is for adjustment entries only.

Category Codes 1–50

Use these fields to enter additional information about the job. The system uses the Category Code 12 field to obtain the pool grouping code, so you cannot use this field for any other purpose.

See "Setting Up Pool Information" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications General Accounting Implementation Guide.

Note: The system prints these fields in the Job Master List report (R51006P).
Planned Start Date and Planned End Date

Enter dates that fall within the period of performance (POP) dates in the funding level for the contract. The system generates an error if the dates that you enter do not fall within the POP date range.

If you leave these fields blank, the system populates them with the POP dates from the funding level contract.