Understanding Contract-Specific Labor Categories

Contract-specific labor categories are job types that you set up for advanced contract billing contracts so that when you enter transactions to record time that employees worked on the contract, the system validates whether the labor category on the transaction is valid for the contract. You use contract-specific labor categories in situations such as these:

  • You are performing work that is part of a contract and the contract terms state that you must use contract-specific labor categories or require specific labor job titles in billings.

  • You want to maintain an additional set of job types to use as external job titles for a contract.

Contract-specific labor categories can apply to both internal labor and subcontract labor. You record time for internal labor in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Time and Labor system, and you record time for subcontracted labor in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Subcontract Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement systems.

Depending on how the contract is structured, you can specify at the contract, invoice, or the funding levels that labor categories are required. For example, contract terms might state at the contract level that labor categories are not required but that a funding level for the contract does require them.

You use the Contract Specific Labor Categories program (P52G20) to enter labor categories for the contract. The P52G20 program enables you to set up labor categories by contract, invoice, funding level, or by business unit. After you set up the labor categories, you also use the P52G20 program to set up cross-references for them. Cross-references determine which labor category the system should assign based on the information that you enter on the transaction.

You must set up a default labor category in the Billing Constants program (P48091) for the system to use if it cannot find the correct labor category to assign to a transaction.

The system stores labor categories in the Contract Specific Labor Categories table (F52G20).