General Contract Information

Contract ID

Accept the system-generated number or enter a number to identify the contract. The system uses this number in conjunction with the contract type to determine the contract structure.

Contract Description

Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters that describe the project.

Modification Type

Select a value from user-defined code table 52G/MT. Examples include:

Created, Amount Change, Terms Change, and User Error.

These values are not hard-coded.

Project No. (project number)

Enter the number of the job that serves as the overall project number. When you initially enter the contract, this number does not have to be a valid job master number. However, the next time that you inquire on the contract level, the system generates an error if the number is still not a valid job master number.

This field is required for funding-level contracts.

Customer No. (customer number)

Enter the address book number of the customer with which you are entering into the contract.

Owning Org. (owning organization)

Enter the business unit of the department that is responsible for the contract. Enter a valid business unit from the Business Unit Master table (F0006). This value is used for reporting purposes.

Client Type

Select a value from user-defined code (UDC) table 52G/CT. Examples include:

COM: Commercial client

FED: Federal government client

ST: State government client

These values are not hard-coded.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
Client Sub Type

Select a value from UDC table 52G/CS. Examples include: Prime, Subcontractor, and Sub-subcontractor.

These values are not hard-coded.

Note: You cannot change this setting at the invoice or funding levels.
Contract Type

Select a value from UDC table 51/CT to identify how the contract will be billed. Examples include: Fixed Fee, Lump Sum, Milestone, and Time & Materials.

These values are not hard-coded.

Modification Date

Enter the date on which you are creating the contract. If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the current date.

Modification GL Date (modification general ledger date)

Specify the date on which the contract or modification to the contract becomes effective.

POP From Date (period of performance from date) and POP To Date (period of performance to date)

Enter a range of dates. The system uses this date range at the funding level to determine whether transactions are eligible for billing and revenue. The date ranges that you enter at the invoice and funding levels must fall within the dates of the associated contract level.

Enforce Period of Performance

Specify whether to enforce period of performance dates for billing and revenue recognition. If you select this option and a transaction has a date that is outside of the period of performance (POP) date range, the system does not include the transaction for billing or revenue recognition.

Contract Status

Select a value from UDC table 52/CS. Examples include:

C: Closed

O: Open

If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the default value of O.

Values C and O in this table are hard-coded.

Customer Contract No. (customer contract number)

Enter the contract number as it is recorded by the customer. For billing purposes, the system updates the Reference field (VR01) in the invoice record in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system with this number.

Prime Contract No. (prime contract number)

Enter the contract number as it is recorded by the subcontractor.