Reviewing and Revising Invoice Batches
The Billing Line Inquiry program (P5222) enables you to review the billing lines associated with an invoice. When you review billing lines for an invoice for an advanced contract billing contract, the system performs these additional actions:
Displays limit excess billing lines (billing line type X).
You cannot revise these lines; you can only review them.
Displays total lines for each funding level.
Enables the Funding Level option on the Row menu when you select a funding level total line. When you select the Funding Level option, the system displays a submenu with these options:
Retainage release
Select this option to release retainage for the selected funding level.
Fee Recalc
Select this option if you have revised invoice amounts and you need to recalculate the fee amount for the selected funding level.
Draw Recalc
Select this option if you have revised invoice amounts and you need to recalculate the draw amount for the selected funding level.
Retainage Recalc
Select this option if you have revised invoice amounts and you need to recalculate the retainage amount for the selected funding level.
Limit Recalc
Select this option if you have revised invoice amounts and you need to recalculate the limit amount for the selected funding level.
ACRN recalculate
Select this option if you have revised invoice amounts and you need to recalculate ACRN amounts for the selected funding level.
ACRN revisions
Select this option to access the ACRN Detail Revisions form.
Recalculate All
Select this option if you have revised invoice amounts and you need to recalculate fee, draw, retainage, limit, and ACRN amounts for the selected funding level.
Remove funding level
Select this option to remove the billing amounts for the funding level from the invoice.
The Invoice Entry Review program (P48222), which you access using the Batch Review program (P48221), displays summary invoice information, such as the invoice number, customer number, and gross invoice amount. For invoices for advanced contract billing contracts, the system also displays dates in the Invoice Print From (Inv Level) and Invoice Print Thru (Inv Level) fields.