Understanding ACRNs

Contract terms may require that you track the funding for the sources of the contract. To accomplish this, you set up ACRNs for the funding level contract. ACRNs are numbers that are provided to you by the customer and they identify the source of the funding. You assign portions of the funded amounts from the contract to ACRNs and then as you generate invoices, the system depletes the amounts based on the depletion method that is set up on the contract. Three methods for depleting ACRNs are available:

  • First-in, first-out (FIFO)

    You assign a sequence number to each ACRN for the funding level contract, and the system depletes the ACRNs in the order that you specify.

  • Ratio

    You assign percentages to each ACRN for the funding level contract, and the system determines how to depletes the ACRNs by accumulating the invoice amounts based on the base method of the ACRN and then multiplying the amount by the percentage that you specify for each ACRN. The percentages must total 100.

  • Manual

    You manually enter the amount by which to deplete the ACRN for each invoice.

When you enter ACRNs, you select one of five tabs on which to enter them. The five tabs represent the different base methods for entering ACRNs. Base methods determine the invoice amounts that deplete the ACRN. These are the five base methods:

  • Sum

    You set up ACRNs using portions of the total of the funded cost and fee amounts. The system uses the cost and fee amounts from the invoice to deplete the ACRN.

  • Total

    You set up ACRNs using portions of the total of the funded cost, fee, and award fee amounts. The system uses the total of the cost, fee, and award fee amounts from the invoice to deplete the ACRNs.

  • Award Fee

    You set up ACRNs using portions of the funded award fee amount. The system uses the award fee amounts from the invoice to deplete the ACRNs.

  • Cost

    You set up ACRNs using portions of the funded cost amount. The system uses the cost amounts on the invoice to deplete ACRNs.

  • Fee

    You enter ACRNs using portions of the funded fee amount. The system uses the fee amounts on the invoice to deplete the ACRNs.

Depending on which base method you select, you enter amounts on either one tab or multiple tabs. For example, if you select the Total tab, you enter amounts only on that tab. If you select the Cost tab, you might enter cost amounts on the Cost tab, but also enter fee amounts on the Fee tab.

If you need to change the base method, you must first revise the base method by selecting Base Method Revision from the Form menu on the ACRN Detail Revisions form. The system then moves the ACRNs to the tab that corresponds to the new method that you selected.

If the total of the ACRNs for a funding level contract exceeds the funded amounts for the contract, the system generates a warning message.

The system stores detail information for ACRNs in the ACRN Detail table (F52G05). The system stores ACRN history in the ACRN History Table (F52G05H). You can use the ACRN History Inquiry program to review ACRN history by invoice.