Voucher Accounting Classification Information Program (R52G509)

When you submit invoices to the customer for contracts that use ACRNs, you are also required to submit a report listing the ACRNs for the invoice and the associated amounts. You use the Voucher Accounting Classification Information report (R52G509) for this listing. For each ACRN for the invoice, the R52G509 report lists the ACRN number, description, and the associated funded amount, current amount, cumulative amount, and remaining balance.

The system runs the R52G509 report when you run the Print U.S. Government 1034 Invoice (R52G508) program. The system runs the R52G508 program when you run the Print U.S. Government 1035 Invoice program (R52G507), but only when you have set up the processing options for the R52G507 program to do so. To ensure that you generate the R52G509 report when you print invoices for contracts with the U.S. federal government, perform one of the following actions:

  • On the funding level contract, enter an invoice format code that uses a version of the R52G507 program with the processing options set to run the R52G508 program.

  • Set up the processing options on the Advanced Contracts Print tab for the R48504 program to run a version of the R52G507 program that has the processing options set to run the R52G508 program.

See Additional Setup for Invoice Processing for Advanced Contract Billing Contracts.