
1. Display Community, Phase, Plan and Elevation on Grid

Specify whether to display the Community, Phase, Plan, and Elevation columns in the detail area. Values are:

Blank: Do not display.

1: Display.

2. Allow override to Options Sales Price

Specify whether to allow an override to the sales price of the option. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow (default).

1: Allow.

3. Maintain deposits at option level

Specify the level at which to maintain deposits. Values are:

Blank: Maintain deposits at the sales record level (default).

1: Maintain deposits at the individual option level.

4. Control manual reduction of quantity selected

Specify when to allow the Lot Start process to reduce the quantity of a selected option. Values are:

Blank: Allow the system to reduce option quantities to the quantity of options that have commitments. The system deletes any options in the Lot Start Workfile (F44H711) that do not have associated commitment lines in the Purchase Order Detail File (F4311).

1: Allow the system to reduce option quantities to the quantity in the F44H711 workfile, even if the workfile records do not yet have an associated commitment line in the F4311 table.

For example, you select a quantity of eight phone jacks. There are eight phone jacks in the F44H711 workfile, six of which have been committed. A blank value in this processing option allows the option quantity to be reduced to six so that the system deletes the two uncommitted records from the F44H711 workfile. A value of 1 in this processing option does not allow a reduction to the option quantity because a quantity of eight exists in the F44H711 workfile.

5. Require reason code for deselecting options that have been generated

Specify whether to require a reason code when removing options that have been generated in the F44H711 workfile. Values are:

Blank: Do not require.

1: Require.