
Select the Revenue tab.

Base House Price

Displays the default sales price for a plan and elevation from the Plan Master table (F44H301).

Note: You can set a processing option in the P44H500 program to specify whether you can override the default price in this field.
Lot Premium

Displays the premium amount for the lot, if applicable.

Typically, this is an additional monetary amount applied to the selling price for an oversized or particularly favorable lot. This value can be a negative amount. The system copies the amount to the (F44H501) table when the lot is released for sale.

Note: You can set a processing option in the P44H500 program to specify whether you can override the default premium in this field.
Incentive 1throughIncentive 3

Enter a monetary amount of incentives given to the buyer. Enter incentives as a positive amount. This value is stored in the F44H501 table and is used to calculate the total house price. Enter a negative amount in these fields to reduce the value in the Net Base Price field.

Upgrade Amount

Enter the monetary amount of upgrades the buyer requested.

Net Base Price

Displays the price by adding the values from the Base House Price, Lot Premium, Incentive 1–3, and Upgrade Amount fields.

Net Option Price

Displays the price by adding together the values in the Option Revenue Category 1–9 fields and the value in the Option Incentive field.

Total Sales Price

Displays the total sales price by adding together the net base price and the net options price.

Option Revenue Category 1–9

Displays monetary amounts by adding the corresponding revenue amounts for the options that are associated with each lot. You set up option revenue categories on a closing worksheet data mapping template, and the system maps the categories to specific options using the options type, which is stored in the F44H401 table.

See Mapping Data to Closing Worksheet Templates.

Option Incentive

Enter the monetary amount of the option incentive given to the buyer. This field is stored into the F44H501H table.