
Job Days

The system displays number of days from the job start date to the job end date.

Calculate Earned Revenue %

Use this check box to specify whether the system calculates the revenue period amounts based on the amount earned per forecasted period.

If you select this check box, the system calculates the revenue for each period based on the amount earned per forecasted period. To calculate the earned revenue percentage, the system takes the total amount of all costs for a period and divides it by the ETC total. Then the system multiplies this earned revenue percentage by the revenue ETC to get the revenue period amounts. The system creates a link between the Cost and Revenue grid and you cannot make changes in the Revenue grid. If you select this check box, the system automatically spreads the revenue amounts based on the cost spreads and overlays any manual revenue entries.

If you do not select this check box, the system does not calculate the revenue based on amount earned per forecasted period. The system does not create a link between the Cost and Revenue grid and you can make changes to the Revenue grid.

Note: You can select and deselect this check box.
Refresh Totals

After you make changes to the Forecasting Amount fields in the Cost grid, click this button to refresh the totals.

If the Calculate Earned Revenue % check box in the header is not selected, the system refreshes the total in the Cost grid only.

If the Calculate Earned Revenue % check box in the header is selected, the system first refreshes the total in the Cost grid. The system then uses these new cost totals in the earned revenue percentage calculation to calculate the revenue totals, which the system displays in the Revenue grid.