Cost and Revenue Grids

Days Remaining

The system displays the number of days between start date and finished date from the cost code schedule.

Daily Rate

The system displays the revenue or cost amount per day for an account by dividing the value in the ETC field by the value in the Days Remaining field. The system uses this value to calculate the amounts to spread across the forecast.

Revised Budget

The system displays the current value after additions or subtractions are made to the original budget amount.

Original/Beg Budget

The system displays the original budget amounts for any ledger in the Account Balances table (F0902).

Inception to Date

For each account, the system displays the actual costs of services that were invoiced since the start date of the task. Start date can be the job start date or the forecast build date, whichever is later. Inception-to-date amount includes the balance forward amount from the prior year in conjunction with the year-to-date totals.This value is cumulative throughout the date range of the task.

Estimate to Complete

For each account, the system displays the estimate to complete amount.

Note: You can only forecast amounts for accounts that have an ETC value.
Estimate at Completion

For each account, the system displays the projected amount.

Current Month Actual

The system displays the actual cost per month.

Amount To Allocate

The system displays the remaining amount to forecast by subtracting the value in the ETC field from the total of all the values in the Forecasting Amount fields for an account.

Period 1 Days - Period 48 Days

The system displays how many work days are in a period.

The Period Days fields correspond to the Forecasting Amounts fields.

Forecasting Amount 01 - Forecasting Amount 48

The system displays the forecasted cost or revenue amount for each period. You can edit the values in these fields.

The Forecasting Amount fields correspond to the Period Days fields.