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Job Site Address

Enter the address book number of the physical job site.

Owner Address

Enter the address book number of the company or individual for which you are performing the job. Typically, this value is the owner's address book number in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract Billing or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Billing.


Enter the address book number of the job supervisor.

Contract Type

Enter a value that identifies the type of contract if you use Service Billing.


Enter the code that represents the state in which the job is located.

Posting Edit

Enter a code that specifies the transactions to post to the general ledger for the job (business unit). Values are:

Blank: Post transactions to this business unit.

K: Post transactions to this business unit. However, the original budget is locked and change orders are required for making changes to the budget.

N: Do not post transactions to this business unit. Use this code for a job that is not started or is closed.

P: Do not post transactions this business unit. The job can be purged.

Related BU (related business unit)

If the Allocation Level field on the contract for this job is set to Specific Job, then the system populates this field with the job specified in the Allocation Destination Job field in the contract. If the Allocation Level field is not set to Specific Job, then the system populates this field with the number for the job that you are entering.

The Allocation Level and Allocation Destination fields are applicable only to contracts that you enter in the Create/Edit Advanced Contracts program (P52G01M). They are not applicable to contracts that you enter in the Contract Master Details program (P5201).

Note: The Related BU field is typically used for advanced contract billing.

See "Setting Up Job Master Records for Advanced Contracts" in theJD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Advanced Contract Billing Implementation Guide

Adjustment Only

Select this option to indicate that this job is restricted to adjustment entries only.