Updating Projected Final Amounts for User-Defined Method of Computation Cost Codes

After you have created user-defined MOCs, and set up cost codes that use those methods, your organization will record and post financial transactions that impact those cost codes. To ensure that the projected final amounts for those cost codes are up-to-date, you run the Update Projected Final for User-Defined MOC program (R51F140).

Ideally, you would run this program after you run the General Ledger Post program (R09801) that includes transactions that impact job cost data. However, many organizations run several G/L post processes daily. Therefore, Oracle recommends setting this program on a scheduler to run frequently, ensuring that your projected final amounts reflect the most current transactional data in your system. The frequency you select depends on how often your organization posts transactions that impact job cost data.

You can run this program in proof or final mode. When you run in proof mode, the system produces a report that details each user-defined method of computation, followed by a list of all costs codes that were updated based on that method. You can use processing options to specify whether the report includes the full text or the abbreviated text of the MOC. When you run in final mode, the system produces the report and also updates the projected final amounts in the F0911 and F0902.