Calculated Columns Used by the Monthly Incident Safety Statistics Report

These are based on incidents by calendar month.

  • January - December Incidents (one column for each month)

    This is the total number of incidents with an incident date in the specific month. If your date range in the header includes more than 1 year, it's possible that this total by month could reflect incidents from more than one year. You use it to look for monthly trends.

  • January - December Safety Hours (one column for each month)

    This is the total number of safety hours in the specific month. If your date range in the header includes more than 1 year, this total by month could reflect safety hours from more than one year.

  • Incident Rate

    This is the incident frequency rate for each safety hours group. It is calculated as the (Total Number of Incidents X the Frequency Rate Constant from the processing option) / (Total Safety Metric).