Case Load

This report enables you to analyze the rate at which cases are opened, committed, and closed. This is useful to determine if a backlog is developing, if case reassignment is necessary, or reevaluate service levels. The system determines the incoming case load using the case begin date; the committed case load using the commit date; and the closed case load using the ending date. This report includes both open and closed cases.

The report provides an analysis of this information across the last 13 periods. You can define periods as days, weeks, or months. Today always falls in Period 13. So, today is Day 13, Week 13, or Month 13. Period 1 is the oldest period that you can analyze (13 days ago, 13 weeks ago, or 13 months ago).

This report contains the following components:

  • Incoming Case Load per Period (line graph)

  • Committed Case Load per Period (line graph)

  • Closed Case Load per Period (line graph)

  • Average Case Load per Period By Case Type (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Case Load per Period By Assignee (Top 5) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Case Load per Period By Provider Group (Top 5) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Case Load for all Cases (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Number of Cases (Incoming, Committed, Closed) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Incoming Case Load for the Past 13 Periods (By Provider Group, Assignee, Case Type) (table)

  • Committed Case Load for the Past 13 Periods (By Provider Group, Assignee, Case Type) (table)

  • Closed Case Load for the Past 13 Periods (By Provider Group, Assignee, Case Type) (table)

  • Reference tables with Case Type, Assignee, and Provider Group descriptions