Incident Impact Rates

Use this report to analyze incident impact rates. This report is based on incidents. Incident impact rates measure the impact of incidents in terms of lost time or costs because of incidents. This report is divided into two parts: impact rates for lost time and impact rates for costs. This report contains the following components:

  • Total Days Lost (all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Total Days Lost (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Days Lost Impact Rate (by Organization Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Days Lost per Employee (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Days Lost per Month (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Number of Days Lost (table)

  • Incident Impact Rates Based on Days Lost (table)

  • Average Impact of Days Lost (table)

  • Total Actual Costs (all Organizational Units) (gauge)

  • Total Actual Costs (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Actual Costs Impact Rate (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Actual Costs per Employee (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Average Actual Costs per Month (by Organizational Unit) (horizontal bar graph)

  • Total Incident Costs (table)

  • Incident Impact Rates Based on Costs (table)

  • Average Impact of Costs (table)

  • Reference table for safety hours group by organizational unit descriptions

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